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The Cloud on the Mountain

Elevation bestows the sky’s nearness to my abode

I am the mountain’s cloud, my skirt sprinkles roses

Now the wilderness, now the rose garden is my abode

City and wilderness are mine, ocean is mine, forest is mine

If I want to return to some valley for the night

The mountain’s verdure is my carpet of velvet

Nature has taught me to be a pearl spreader

To chant the camel song for the camel of the Beloved of Mercy

To be the comforter of the dispirited farmer’s heart

To be the elegance of the assembly of the garden’s trees

I spread out over the face of the earth like the locks

I get arranged and adorned by the breeze’s

I tantalize the expecting eye from a distance

As I pass silently over some habitation

As I approach strolling towards a brook’s bank

I endow the brook with ear rings of whirlpools

I am the hope of the freshly grown field’s verdure

I am the ocean’s offspring, I am nourished by the sun

I gave ocean’s tumult to the mountain spring

I charmed the birds into thrilling chants

I pronounced “Rise” standing by the verdure’s head

I conferred the taste for smile to the rose‐bud

By my benevolence farmers’ huts on the mountain side

Are converted into bed chambers of the opulent

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