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Knowledge Versus Love


Knowledge to me conveyed this thoughtful phrase
That Love is naught but frantic craze,
Love said that lore is vague and full of haze,
It bade, not like a moth, in books to graze.
Love brings Mighty God within your sight.
But worldly tore your eyes can blur and blight.
Love's fervour; great as well as ardent glow
Maintains the gleam of world and outward show.
The Attributes of God through wisdom, you can know
Love makes His glory flash and shine I vow.
The worldly lore can't slake the thirst of soul,
Whereas Love leads to requisite aim and goal.
Love can effect many a wondrous deed,
Carves kingdoms new, grants Darveshhood and creed,
The race of kings like slaves its orders heed.
It is home, earth and Time with flitting speed,
Love is Faith and conviction complete,
Faith the key that unlocks the door for retreat.
In creed of Love a mansion's case and glee
Are things that Love ought not expect to see:
He must forgo the coast, face stormy sea
He yearns for lightning, makes for crops no plea.
The worldly lore books compiled by men do yield,
'Bout Faith man learns from Book by God revealed.

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