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با نگ درا

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  • (با نگ درا(حصہ اول


    (با نگ درا(حصہ اول



    First written in Urdu, Bang-i Dara (Caravan Bell) was


    translated into Urdu by popular demand. An anthology of


    poems written over a period of 20 years, is divided into 3 parts:


    1. Poems written up to 1905, the year Iqbal left for England.


    These include nursery, pastoral and patriotic verses. Taranayi


    Hindi (The Song of India) has become an anthem and is sung


    in India on Independence Day.



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  • (با نگ درا(حصہ دوم

    (با نگ درا(حصہ دوم

    1905 -1908

    Poems written between 1905 and 1908, the period he spent


    as a student in Europe. He praises the rationality and


    pragmatism of the West, but complains about its overt


    materialism, loss of spirituality and narrow patriotism, which


    promises suffering. (The first world war proved him right.) This


    situation strengthened his belief in the universal values of Islam


    and he resolved to use his poetry to stir Muslims to their



    Article Count:
  • (با نگ درا(حصہ سوم

    (با نگ درا(حصہ سوم

    1908 - 1923

    Poems written between 1908 and 1923, in which


    Iqbal reminds Muslims of their past greatness and calls for the


    brotherhood and unity that transcend territorial boundaries. He


    urges the ummah to live a life of servitude to God, of sacrifice


    and of action so that they may attain once more the high


    civilisation that was once theirs. Yam Awr Syair (The Poet and


    the Cradle), Shikwa (Complaint to God), Jawab-i-Shikwa


    (Response to a Complain), Kiezr-i-Rah (Guidance) and Tulu'i


    Islam (Light of Islam) are considered among the greatest


    Islamic poems. Love and the Self reverberate as important


    themes throughout this section.


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