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Lift the veil from Thy Face and be manifest in the assembly


Lift the veil from Thy Face and be manifest in the assembly
Make the eyes of the sun, moon and stars Thy spectators

If  Thou art the lightning how long this secret winking?
Make acquaintance with my heart without a veil

The warm breath's effect is the miracle of life
If it is on Thy breast perform life-giving miracles

How long should begging be on the Tur like Kalim!
Make the flame of Sinai manifest with Thy Existence

Let the Haram be built with every speck of Thy dust
Make the heart alien to the ways of the Church

It is not good to exceed limits in this garden
If Thou showeth elegance make its show with grace

First become self-respecting like Alexander
Then make the show of desire of Dara's grandeur

You will reach the destination of Lailah one day, O Iqbal
For some more days continue wandering in the wilderness

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