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O God ! Teach a little Love to my happy Intellect

Though apparently this ghazal, like all ghazals expresses various thoughts in its different verses these thoughts are borne on a single logical thread. Three mutually inter connected messages are conveyed, viz. (i) Intellect alone is not sufficient for human existence (See Chapter 3, paragraph "Aql O Dil"). (ii) A Muslim is not confined to any place, he is universal and his nation is not based on geographical countries. (iii) Allamah Iqbal did not believe in "art for art's sake" and used poetry only to convey his message of Islam to the people in succinct and impressive form.

O God ! Teach a little Love to my happy Intellect .
It loves fine stitching but my shirt has no collar

As I got Love's ardor the angels said on
azal's morning
"You are like the grave's candle, you have no assembly"

No friend is available here, this land is friendless, O Heart!
You want something from me which does not exist under the sky

The Arab architect made it distinct from the whole world
The foundation of our nation's fort is not geographical unity

Why this coming and going, future's concern is a conceit
We are manifest in everything, we do not have any homeland

Somebody should take my message to the Makhzan's editor

Activist nations do not have taste for poetic literature!


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