
کلیات اقبال - فارسی

Asrar-i-Khudi (The Secrets of the Self). In Persian verse (1915)- As the name shows it discusses the philosophy of Khudi.




Rumuz-i-Bekhudi (The Mysteries of Selflessness) In Persian verse (1917)- It discusses the philosophy of pooling the individual’s Khudi into the nation’s Khudi.




Payam-i-Mashriq (The Message of the East). In Persian verse (1923)- It was written in response to “West-Oestliche Diwan” of Goethe to present the values of the Eastern (Islamic) culture in contrast with the Western culture.




Zubur-i-`Ajam (The Psalms of Persia). In Persian verse (1927)- Most of it is in ghazals which carry Islamic themes.





Javed Namah (The Book of Eternity). In Persian verse (1932)- It is an allegory containing the climax of the flight of imagination. It is written on the lines of Mi‘raj Namahs (Books of the Celestial Ascension of the Holy Prophet S.A.W. He soars through the celestial world in the company of Maulana Rumi and meets the heroes and heroines of the past who provide him with opinions on some of the problems of the modern age.





Pas Che Bayad Kard Ai Aqwam-i-Sharq (So What Should be Done O Oriental Nations). In Persian verse (1936)- It exhibits the secrets of the destinies of nations.




Musafir (The Wayfarer)- In Persian verse (1936). It deals with his reflections on his trip to Afghanistan.

  • مسافر




Armaghan-i-Hijaz (The Gift for Hijaz). In verse in separate Persian and Urdu Parts (1938)- Among other things it contains expression of his Love for God, the Holy Prophet S.A.W. and the Muslim Ummah. He wrote it at the time he was preparing for pilgrimage to Makkah-i Mu`azzamah. However, the pilgrimage did not materialize due to fast deterioration of his health and ultimate death in April 1938.


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