
Opened when in garden the ‘Rose’ bookshop

From the Note Book of MuIlah Zada Zaightttu Lolabi of Kashmir


Opened when in garden the ‘Rose’ bookshop,
The ‘books knowledge’ then to Mullah was flop.

The vernal tide changed all the grave mood,
Which moved Indrabi to Odes making mood.

A ‘poppy’ said then dressed in fiery robe,
To secrets of the soul I would now probe.

Who takes the death as a dream of grave,
In his build up lies a fault so ‘grave’.

The life means not the link of night and day,
Neither life a ‘booze’ or drowsiness way.

The life means burning in self’s own flame.
How lucky who knew the pith of this ‘game’.

From his ‘heart’s fire’ if he takes a spark,
He can change the whole world’s gloom and dark.

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