
That youth is held in high esteem

That youth is held in high esteem
By all the members of his tribe,
Whose prime of life is pure and chaste,
Dread blows to him we can ascribe.

In days of war he can surpass
Tile ferocious lions of the wood
When peace prevails in every place,
Like Tartar deer is fine and good.

There is no wonder, if his glow
May set the things around afire
To burn the bed of reeds one spark
Is 'nough that from the flame does spire.

God Mighty has endowed him with
A monarch's grandeur, pomp and show
His brand of Faqr has virtues such
That shone on
Haider's valorous brow.

Do not look down upon the youth,
If his head is devoid of gear:
This lad can claim close kinship with
Those kings who crowns on heads do wear.

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