
The West seeks to make life a perpetual feast

The West seeks to make life a perpetual feast;
A wish in vain, in vain, in vain!

Aware of my state, my spiritual guide assures me,
Thy ecstasy has reached the plenitude of its power.

Moses asked for a Divine glimpse, but I do not:
The demand was right for him; but is forbidden for me.

The plaint of the men of God betrays a suppressed secret;
But the ways of the men of God are not meant for all.

Zikr in the Sufis’ circle was devoid of ecstasy,
I remained unsatisfied, and so was everyone.

Love is thy goal, and mine, too, but both
Are so far novices on the path of love.

Alas! Thou hast betrayed the secret of a fakir,
Though a fakir has wealth more than a king of men.

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