
Beyond the stars there are

Beyond the stars there are
Other worlds of light;
There are more trials of love,
Besides those on earth.

These spheres are not
Empty of the pulse of life;
There are a hundred forms of life,
Latent in these spheres.

Be not content with this earth,
Though it has a myriad colours;
There are rose—embowered gardens,
Ethereal abodes for thee;

Grieve not if thou losest
This abode of sorrow;
There are other abodes for thee,
For the sighs of yearning and grief.

Thou art of eagle breed,
Born for ethereal flights;
Thou hast, beyond those narrowing skies,
Loftier heavens to roam.

Do not get entangled
In these deceptive days and nights.;
Thou has other worlds,
Beyond linear time and space.

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