
Addressed to the Students of Aligarh College

This poem is addressed to the Muslim youth of the Indian sub-continent through the students of the then Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College, Aligarh, India (the present Muslim University, Aligarh, India). The central theme of the poem is that the ‘Allamah’s message is different from the messages the youth had been getting till then. The difference is that his message is the urge to struggle with ‘heart within and God over head’ in contrast to the messages of others which taught loyalty to the British crown. However, in the last verse there is the warning that as the Love of the Muslim youth for God was till then immature and their self-confidence was still not fully developed they had to remove these shortcomings before launching their struggle.

The message of others is different, my message is different
The style of address of the one afflicted with Love is different

You have heard the laments of the bird under the net
Also listen to the laments of the bird on the roof tops which are different

Call was coming from the mount, "Life’s secret is peace"
The frail ant was saying "The pleasure of struggle is different"

The glory of Hijaz’ assemblage is based on Haram’s Love
The station of this is different, the system of that is different!

Eternal luxury is death if there is no Longing for Search
Man’s revolving is different, wine-cup’s revolving is different

The dawn’s candle left the message that burning is life’s secret
In the life’s sorrowful abode the condition for eternity is different

The wine is still half-mature, Love is unsuccessful still
Leave the church’s brick on the pitcher’s mouth still



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