
IIS Canada

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For past and upcoming events: https://www.facebook.com/AllamaMIqbal/events

IIS Team and Contacts: http://www.iqbal.com.pk/iis/team-iis

Currently active chapters in Canada: Toronto, Mississauga and Milton







TOPIC: Poem - Khizr e Rah - Session 2
Read here: https://goo.gl/588dwI

Date: Sunday 18th of December 2016 from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Venue: Fleetwood Village Room
Burnhamthorpe Community Centre
1500 Gulleden Dr, Mississauga, ON L4X 2T7

Email: ca@iqbalsociety.org

RSVP: Imtiaz: 6478243614, Noman Bokhari: 6476331981

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1522573721092117




Post event communication:

Alhamdullilah - All praise be to Allah (swt)
A Historical Evening | Biggest Iqbal Day Event in the history of North America
As you all know that International Iqbal Society, Canada Chapter in Partnership with the Consulate General of Pakistan in Toronto, celebrated the 139th birth anniversary of Allama Muhammad Iqbal (RA).
This Iqbal Day event was held at the magnificent, state of the art Milton Centre for Art which is located at 1010 Main Street East. in Milton on the evening of Friday the 11th of November, 2016.
The keys highlights included: 
Session 1: Youtube Video Link
- Kalam e Iqbal, Lauh bhi tu qalam bhi tu which was recited by Mr. Waseem Haroon.
- Bache ki dua - A Kids performance by the kids from our monthly study circles
- Keynote address by Dr. Taqi Adedi, his topic was "Iqbal's message of hope in the time of turbulence".
- Panel discussion hosted by Noman Bokhari and the guests included Dr. Taqi Aabedi, Dr. Zafar Bangash and Mr. Amir Saulat Jafri.
- Short talk by Ms. Iqra Khalid (Member of Parliament, Erin Mills riding )
- Gifting ceremony and thank you notes by our Platinum Educational Partners.
- Speech by Mr. Imran Siddiqui (Consul General of Pakistan, Toronto)
The Mehfil e Kalam e Iqbal by the melodious voices from the GTA was presented in association with Mr. Peter Bhatti and Mr. Tanveer Joseph from International Christian VoiceThese artists are very well renowned singers and musicians from Pakistani Christian community in Canada and they have, without any doubt, did an amazing job reciting Kalame Iqbal on such a short notice.
Kalam e Iqbal presented was from Baal e Jibreel Ghazaliyat Part 1, Ghazaliyat Part 2 and Manzumaat.
Kalam recited:
1: Lala e Sehra (Yeh Gumbad e Meenai), 
2: Aijaz hai kisi ka, ya gardish e zamana and 
3: Dayar e Ishq main, apna maqam paida ker by Mr. Albert Kamran. Raja Harrison was on Tabla and and Nabeel on the keyboard.
4: La phir ik baar wohi baada o jaam ai saqi and
5: Na tu zameen ke liye hai na aasman ke liye by Sheeza Sabir. Augestine James was on Tabla and Nabeel on keyboard.
6: Nigah e faqr main shaane sikandari kia hai by Raja Harrison. Albert Kamran was playing tabla and Nabeel Robin Wasti was on keyboard.
7: Tu abhi reh guzar main hai and 
8: Wohi meri kam naseebi, wohi teri benayazi by Philip Patrick and with him Naeem Sardar was on the keyboard.
Above, I have shared the video links and the Picture of the event are now available on our facebook page as well:
This free program was presented with the immense support of our
Premium Educational Partners:
- Mr. and Mrs. Azim Rizvee from MinMaxx Realty
- Mr. Bangash from Crescent International Magazine and
- Mr. Mohsin from Digreen Homes
Golden Educational Partners:
- Mr. Feroz Jessani from Royal Canadian Steels
- Amir Jafri from Right at Home Reality
- Muhamamd Yasin from Al Amin Grocers and
Sehar Shahzad - Calligrapher
and our
Media and Marketing Partners:
- Canadian Pakistan Council of Milton and
- Insight with Anis Farooqi
I, on behalf of IIS Canada BoD, thank all the partners for coming forward and joining us to make this historical evening possible and ensuring us their support in our future endeavours as well.
Also, we can not thank enough our partner for this event, The Consul General of Pakistan in Toronto, Mr. Imran Siddiqui for his overwhelming support, our keynote speaker Dr. Taqi Abedi for once again mesmerizing the attendees with his talk, our panelists Dr. Zafar Bangash and Mr. Amir Saulat Jafri for enlightening us with their thoughts and Iqra Khalid, our MP from Mississauga for her brief but thought provoking talk and encouragement.
Last but not least, we can not thank enough 
- all the friends, supporters and volunteers who worked tirelessly over the past 2 months and missed more or less the whole event because they were busy with the arrangements (I hope that you will now after watching the videos and looking at the pictures feel proud of yourself for the work you have done. Kudos to you all!!!),  
the kids who prepared the presentation and their parents for bringing them to the study circles and then working with them at home preparing them and for bringing them for rehearsals. 
  Kudos to you all well. I am sure you will agree that it was all worth it :) 
and YOU for joining us. JazakAllah!
We have been continuously receiving calls and messages with the feedback and we have no other way of knowing how good or bad we did until we hear from YOU. I apologize to those who are still waiting for me to return their call or reply to their sms or email. As you know our events are not a one day thing but we try to make them available for our millions of followers on Social Media and for those who can not attend them physically. I hope you will appreciate that we have the videos and the pictures ready in less than 4 days and now I will start getting back to you all one at a time inshaAllah :)
Keep your most valuable feedback coming inshaAllah. Below I am sharing some of the feedback we have received by email and text messages:
Salam alaikum Janab Noman Bokhari Saheb:
Bohat bohat mubarak. What a beautiful mehfil you organized and carried out.  The participation by youth and young musicians was very impressive, in Canada.
I learn so much from Taqi Abidi and other scholars like you in such a short period of a few hours.  Advanced age coupled with multiple health problems prevent me from  attending your monthly sessions but I really enjoy your videos.
Thank you once again.
Siddiq Burney 
Noman Sb. AOA. I very warmly appreciate your efforts to arrange such a wonderful fully packed ceremony . Yourself and your team really made commendable efforts to make it successful. Being very closely related to Dr.Iqbal Sb. honestly we felt proud to be there and at the same time it was bit shameful  for us being no to be the active part of it . So, next time if you ever need volunteers, Please let me know. 
Khawaja Khurshid Anwer
Dear Noman Bokhari Bhai   Assalamo Alaykum
Attended last night Iqbal day program with my wife, I do not know how I can start to praise the way you and your group organize the program, it is immense pleasure that it was extremely well organized, well thought and above all start on time, venue program setup sound and the way you conduct the program at stage, exceptionally well, no match to Pak TV and talk shows.
I surely wish to attend your monthly program, please keep me posted
Muhammad Asif
Assalam o Alaicum
Congratulation to you and your whole team  for organizing such a great great program.
Every thing was well organized .speeches, panel discussion .kids performance and
musical performance was also fantastic.
Please share pictures of the event .
If you could share Qazi Sahib's pics too then it will be highly appreciated.
Look forward to attending your monthly  study circle gatherings.
Salman Sultan
Dear Mr. Noman Bokhari Sahib,
It was a pleasure attending last night's program of The Iqbal Day 2o16. The program started o  time and went as planned. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on arranging such a great program and please extend my sincere thanks to the entire team of Allama Iqbal Society and the sponsors without their support this sort of great event couldn't be possible.
The keynote was great and Dr. Taqi Abidi was as usual spoke so nicely and shed light on what Allama sahib has said in his  poetry. Other panelists were awesome too. Especially the speech delivered by the Consulate General of Pakistan was unbelievable, he had so much to say and his thoughts were to the point and something that we normally are not used to was the sort of intellectual intelligence he has on Allama Iqbal.
Besides the intellectual part of the program, the musical extravaganza was something special and I'm sure the entire gathering enjoyed it. For some of us it must have fulfilled their softer side. All singers did an awesome job but let me say the little angel was such an amazing singer that she mesmerized the entire audience. Kudos to her and all the musicians who played with her.
These sorts of intellectual programs keeps us all connected to our root where we belong. I was surprised that how you and your team was able to manage such a great event for free of charge to the attendees.
May Allah SWT give you and your team strength and courage to continue doing this service to the leaders of our great nation PAKISTAN, our culture, our languages and specially the humanity.
I still have so many thoughts to put here but I'm sure you get the message. Once again kudos to you and your team on conducting this great event.
Pakistan Zindabad, Pakistan Paindabad.
Dr. Aijaz Qureshi
Mississauga, Canada
Salam Noman Sahab.
Thanx alot for giving me a chance to involve and enjoy the fantastic ceremony for celebrating IQBAL Day.
A well thought well organised and time control program.Congratulations to you and your team.
Zeenat Lakhani.

Dear Noman Saheb: salaamo alaikum wa rehmatullah wa barakaatohu
I cannot thank you enough for yesterday's well-organized and high quality event to mark Iqbal Day.  Everything was superb - organization, timings, the literary aspects and the music.  Your own personal impact as compere must have impacted on each one in the audience.  Masha'Allah.
Truly speaking my wife and I have not attended a function of this high literary level in Canada during the last 13 years and my friends who have been here much longer said they hadn't either.  We had met Taqi Abedi Saheb and Bangash Saheb before but never heard them speak.
I am sorry we were delayed by 30 minutes because we had to go to funeral and that too at Pine Groves in Pickering-Ajax.  Who does not know what it is like on 401 at 4.30 pm.  It took us over 2 hours to reach home and then we rushed to Milton. We were of course tired but it was well worth it and the occasion was such as we would have certainly missed.
My only regret is that I was unable to meet you as you were very busy and fully engaged.  I hope there will be an opportunity to meet in sha Allah sooner than later.
Best wishes
fi aman Allah
Big Congratulations ! 
Bohat Mubarak 
Alph mubrook 

For conducting such a supper program 
I am attending right now.
Very happy for excellent program sitting very comfortable very professional place.

Will send u my suggestions when I go home 
So far so excellent 

Lab pay atti hay ......
I am listening this after 60 years 
God bless u 

Ashfaq khan 

Thank you Nouman bhai. A very nice event masha Allah.
Mohsin - Digreen Homes
Assalam o Alikum
Noman Bhai,
Congrads to you and your team for the great work.
Well organised and Super Duper Hit...
Your efforts are greatly appriciated.
Keep it up..
Jazak'Allah and thanks
Best regards,
Muhammad Waseem Haroon
Asalam o Alikum
Congrats to you and all the team....
Iqbal Day program was a fabulous event... Everything was outstanding...esp music segment  ...
More specifically Shizza's performance...
Rabia Ahsen
Assalam-o-alikum Noman,
Many congratulations on this successful Iqbal Day event, An outstanding event where Alhamdolilah everything executed perfectly. Many Congratulations and appreciation to all who participated in arranging this wonderful event. It was really quite informative and entertaining.
Thanks. Pirzada Najam, Novera and Kids
Salam, just want to congratulate you for organising such an excellent event. Will hope to see you in study circles. Tariq
Report prepared by Ms. Rabia Hassan:
یوم_اقبال ٹورنٹو، کینیڈا
شاعر_مشرق علامہ اقبال کی شاعری، ان کی خدمات، مسلمانوں کیلئے ان کا تفکر خصوصا"ہندوستان کے مسلمانوں کے اندر بیداری اور پاکستان کا خواب ان کی زندگی کے وہ پہلو ہیں جن سے بر_صغیر پاک و ہند کا ہر مسلمان بخوبی آگاہ ہے ان کی خدمات کو جتنا بهی خراج_تحسین پیش کیا جائے کم ہے ۔اقبال کی شاعری، ان کے افکار، ان کے اظہار اور حسن_اظہار پر مبنی ایک بهرپور پروگرام ملٹن آرٹس سینٹر میں آرگنائز کیا گیا۔ انٹرنیشنل اقبال سوسائٹی کی طرف سے منعقد کیا گیا یہ خوبصورت پروگرام آرگنائزرز  کی انتهک محنت اور لگن کا ایک منہ بولتا ثبوت تها۔ شاعر_مشرق کی شاعری کے اہم پہلووں پر بتدریج اور نفاست کے ساتهه روشنی ڈالی گئی۔ تلاوت_قرآن اور کلام اقبال کے بعد بچوں نے ملی نغمہ پیش کیا جو ہم سب بچپن میں اپنے سکولوں میں روزانہ اسمبلی سے پہلے باقاعدگی سے پڑهتے تهے۔ کینیڈا میں اپنے بچوں کو پڑهتا دیکهه کر عجیب سی کیفیت ہورہی تهی۔ اس کے بعد مقررین نے اقبال کے "خودی"کے نظریے، مسلمانوں کی بیداری، اپنے دور کے تکلیف دہ حالات اور آنے والے ادورا میں اقبال کی پیشنگوئیوں کو بہت خوش اسلوبی سے موضوع_گفتگو بنایا۔ نعمان بخاری صاحب کی میزبانی میں مبصرین کی گفتگو کافی دلچسب اور معلومات سے بهرپور تهی۔ اقبال کی شاعری اور ان کی خدمات ان کی زندگی کے پہلووں کو  اتنے کم وقت میں اتنے احسن طریقے سے اجاگر کرنے کی کوشش کی گئی جو کہ ایک مشکل کام ہے اور آخرکلام_اقبال کو جب گاکر پیش کیا گیا تو محفل کا لطف اور بهی دوبالا ہوگیا اور ٹورنٹو اور اس اردگرد سے بہت سارے گلوکاروں نے شرکت کی جن میں سے کافی لوگ کرسچن سوسائٹی کی طرف سے آئے تهے کیونکہ اقبال کی شاعری اپنی تاثیر میں آفاقی ہے جو ہر ایک کو متاثر کرتی ہے کونسل جنرل آف پاکستان، جناب عمران صدیقی، ایم پی اقرا خالد اور اقبال کی شاعری اور ان کے کلام سے رغبت رکهنے والے بہت سے لوگوں نے شرکت کی۔غرضیکہ ہر لحاظ سے اپنی طرز کا ایک یادگار اور بہت خوبصرت پروگرام تها۔ اور بہت افسوس کی بات ہے کہ پاکستان کا خواب دیکهنے والےاتنے عظیم شاعر کو پاکستان کی گورنمنٹ آج ایک چهٹی کا خراج بهی پیش نہیں کرسکتی۔  
رابعہ احسن

Communication 4 - November 10th, 2016:


We are very excited as the Iqbal Day event preparations are in full swing and we will be seeing you all once again inshaAllah at the magnificent Milton Center for the Arts tomorrow, Friday the 11th of November

As you all know that for this event, the registration was mandatory and the response we got was once again, overwhelming. We reached the maximum number (500) within a week of starting the registration.

Those who registered before the 25th of October must have received their RCN (Registration Confirmation Number) which they will use to obtain their tickets at the gate.

If you have registered after the 25th of October then you must have got a wait list reply from us. We tried to accommodate some in the wait list after calling all those registered and there were some change of plans but unfortunately, not enough to accommodate all the 300+ of you in the wait list. 

We are very sorry that we will not be able to host you this year if you have not received a RCN so far but we promises, next year we will try something even bigger inshaAllah. 

Iqbal Day event is just one big event that we do every year but our monthly study circles are open to all (mostly) and we hope that you, if interested in learning about the thoughts and works of Allama will join us in our monthly sessions.

Iqbal Day | Milton, Canada | 2016

Gates will open at 6:30 PM

Your RCN – Registration is valid till: 7:00 PM

Program will start at 7:30 PM SHARP

Finish Time is 11:30 PM

There will be 5 Booths: A, B, C, D and E and you will go to the one based on the first alphabet of your RCN inshaAllah to obtain your tickets and our wonderful team will be glad to assist you :) 

For any changes in your plan or for details, please feel free to call Mr. Taimoor Chaudhry (6478954890),  Imtiaz Awan (6478243614), myself or send us an email. 

Other details and updates are available at the links below: 

FB Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/321903854834772/ 

Website: http://www.iqbal.com.pk/iis/ca


Communication 3 - October 25th, 2016:

Please note that we have exceeded the number of registrations and now we are placing new registrants in waitlist.
Please fill the form and you will be notified in case of cancellations.



Communication 2 - October 15th, 2016:

Registration for the Iqbal Day 2016 conference in Milton is open now. Registration will done on first come basis so please register yourself without waiting.

The keys highlights includes a panel discussion, kids performance, a keynote address by a leading Iqbal scholar from Canada and and whole session dedicated to the famous Kalam e Iqbal Music performances by the melodious voices proudly presented by International Christian Voice.

Please also note that registration for the event is a must and tickets will be issued to those who will register only (No Exceptions). 
After you will register, we will get back to you with a Registration Confirmation Number (RCN) that you will use at the doors to obtain your free tickets so please make sure you fill the registration form with accurate information.

Image result for REGISTER HERE




Communication 1 - October 1st, 2016:

International Iqbal Society, Canada Chapter in Partnership with the Consulate General of Pakistan in Toronto, invites you to celebrate the 139th birth anniversary of Allama Muhammad Iqbal (RA).

We have in past celebrated Iqbal Days in Mississauga, Toronto and Scarborough. This year our destination will be Milton, Ontario.

We will be holding this Iqbal Day event at the magnificent, state of the art Milton Centre for Art which is located at 1010 Main Street East. in Milton on the evening of Friday the 11th of November, 2016.

Please mark your calendar for this evening which will be both entertaining and educational.

As always, this will be a family event and will be free. Tickets and registration will be a must, we will share the details soon.

We do welcome sponsors, media partners, volunteers and supports to join us make this evening beautiful.

For Sponsorship package information and other enquirers, please feel free to contact Noman Bokhari (6476331981), Imtiaz Awan (6478243614), Taimoor Chaudhry (6478954890) or email us at canada@iqbalsociety.org

InshaAllah we will be sharing details about the programs and sponsors in near future.


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Our Platinum Educational Partners in Canada - 2016:

Please click the Logos below for the websites of our esteemed partners.




Our Golden Educational Partners in Canada - 2016:

Please click the Logos below for the websites of our esteemed partners.



Our Media and Marketing Partners in Canada - 2016:

Please click the Logos below for the websites of our esteemed partners.




Join us as an Educational Partner or Media Partner to help us spread the message of Iqbal.

For Partnership/ Sponsorship information and other enquirers, please feel free to contact Noman Bokhari (6476331981), Imtiaz Awan (6478243614), Taimoor Chaudhry (6478954890) or email us at canada@iqbalsociety.org

Website Version 4.0 | Copyright © 2009-2016 International Iqbal Society (formerly DISNA). All rights reserved.