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  International Iqbal Society (Formerly DISNA)

International Iqbal Society (formerly DISNA) was conceived and founded by Noman Bokhari on 11th February 2009, in Toronto, Canada, to create a platform for embedding high morals in individuals and society through imparting awareness, knowledge and intellect , the core doctrine being Iqbal’s works for the achievement of this very objective.


 Our Vision

The vision behind International Iqbal Society (IIS) is to propagate Allama IQBAL’s revolutionary vision and global philosophy to every nook and corner of the world, in words and through individuals who have the gift of self-awareness. Both these resources would play a pivotal part in reflecting the true core and philosophy of Iqbal’s message.  

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide opportunities to individuals and masses for understanding Allama’s message in its real sense and show them ways to implement it in their lives. In this way IIS aims to liberate the world from chains of despair and to embed values of unity, solidarity and self reliance in our society.

Our Principles & Values

  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Self-Reliance
  • Positive Impact
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Faith & Commitment


Our Membership Criteria

There is an open membership for International Iqbal Society (IIS) and people from all religions, castes, creeds, gender and place of residence, are welcome to join us for free, without any discrimination. Active members and non-member volunteers are fully supported and recognized for their contribution.

Our Key Objectives

Main domains of focus at each layer of the organization constitute the following essentials: 

  • To increase understanding of Iqbal’s message
  • To facilitate learning of Iqbaliat at a higher level
  • To assist PhD students of Iqbaliat in their research intellectually and financially
  • To endorse education generally and Iqbaliat specifically
  • To highlight importance of literature in education
  • To promote literacy programs, lectures, seminars, discussion groups, forums, debates, speech contests
  • To establish IIS schools, academies, colleges and universities for free education
  • To establish IIS free-of-cost educational institutions for special children
  • To devise a plan for an overall cost effective education system
  • To reinforce students at all levels with prizes and awards
  • To start publishing IIS monthly magazine/ newsletter
  • To establish and develop public libraries for research and academic activities and literary programs along with online libraries


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